Beare Flooring’s Buyers Guide - Beare Flooring
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Helping you choose


We are here to help answer all the questions around your flooring needs.

William has created a detailed yet easy-to-read guide for Hard Flooring & Carpets to provide you with the correct information to make a well-informed decision on your purchase.


Hard Floor Product Selection & Purchasing Guide

There is a lot of information out in the market on hard flooring products. Which product be it Hybrid, Laminate, Vinyl Planking or Timber is most suited to a specific application and what will perform the best in that situation are questions we regularly get asked and find our customers have been given miss information on – Download our FREE product selection & purchasing guide to be sure you are on the right path with your flooring journey.





Carpet Product Selection & Purchasing Guide

When it comes to choosing the right carpet for you, it’s not just all about what looks the best. One of the most important factors that comes into play is durability – how will your carpet wear over time? Is it fade and stain resistant? Does the carpet show shading and tracking? What is the best fibre for the household you live in? How do you want to care for your carpet – These are all very important aspects to your decision. Download our FREE product selection & purchasing guide to be sure you are on the right path with your flooring journey.




Our process

  • Calendar

    Instantly book an appointment time that suits you

  • Car Icon

    We bring our mobile showroom to the comfort of your home

  • Chat Icon

    We’re experts in flooring! Our team can assist you with the perfect product for your home

  • Spot

    Providing you with a free, no obligation on the spot itemised quote for the proposed project

  • Hand Icon

    Upon acceptance we order your product and book in your installation date communicating with you throughout the process

  • Waranty

    Sit back and relax, our team will handle everything. We have you covered with our lifetime installation warranty

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