Hybrid Flooring VS Vinyl Planking - Beare Flooring

Hybrid Flooring VS Vinyl Planking

Fact Checked Experience Based Published on April 20, 2023.

Which flooring product is best suited to my home?

Hybrid Flooring and Vinyl Planking are both popular choices for homeowners looking for durable and low-maintenance flooring options. These types of flooring are easy to clean and maintain and can often be very comparable in price too, but there are a couple of key characteristics that set them apart from each other which can often be the deciding factor in which product is best for your home.

Let’s dive into what we know about both product types….

Vinyl Lister Spotted Gum Timbarra Vinyl Planks By Signature Floors
Vinyl Planks – Timbarra


Vinyl planking is a waterproof product, specific Hybrid flooring ranges are also waterproof. Both types of flooring also feature good slip resistance which is important for busy family homes, along with other added benefits such as…✔️Scratch ✔️Stain & ✔️Fade Resistance, it is here where the two products are very similar. So, if durability is your main concern either product type will meet your requirements in this area.

Both Hybrid flooring and Vinyl planking are great flooring options for the family home


This is one of the main differences between these two products…

Hybrid Flooring has exploded onto the market in recent years due to its construction and ease for install. Hybrid is a “floating floor”, which means the product is not glued down, it is installed over the top of the existing floor. A floating floor creates a much more elegant feel to walk on as there is a small amount of movement due to the product not being fixed to the substrate. This in turn is better for your body and creates a more comfortable walk.

For Hybrid Floors to be installed your floor needs to be level, so some floor preparation is usually required. However in circumstances where there is existing Tiles, Hybrid Flooring can often be laid directly over the top with little to no floor prep required.

***It is important to take into consideration here your floor height – as laying the product directly on top of existing tiles will also add height to your overall floor level.***

Vinyl Planking however is glued directly to the substrate – due to the nature of this products install the substrate needs to be well prepared. Smooth and bacteria free. The process here for install often involves grinding and then skim coating the floor prior to install.

If you plan to install Vinyl Planks directly over Tiles then the floor first needs to be flood coated to create a smooth and level surface for install. This requires 3mm of levelling compound be poured.  The product can then be laid over the top.

***It’s important to note that this increases your overall floor height more than laying hybrid directly over the top of Tiles will due to the added step of flood coating that is required***


Both types of flooring are designed to emulate natural hardwood or stone – This is achieved by a decorative film coating being applied over the core of the product which produces a textured or embossed affect. After this a protective layer for impact/ scratch resistance is then added. Hybrid floorings core is usually SPC (stone polymer composite) and vinyl planking’s core being made from 100% synthetic material, usually made up of PVC and foam.



If aesthetics is your main concern Hybrid Flooring and Luxury Vinyl Planking (LVP) can both achieve the overall look of Timber Flooring or Stone.

New flooring is an investment which you want to love!

If you are tossing up between Hybrid Floors & Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP)
We offer a FREE no obligation in home measure and quote. Our team come directly to you with our mobile showroom, access your floor and further discuss in detail with you whether Luxury Vinyl Plank or Hybrid Flooring is the right product for your space.

– Team Beare

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